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Fallen. Evanescence. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.Preklad
Fallen. Miznutie. Hlas noty. Elektrická gitara noty. Gitara tablature noty. Stredná.Originál
Fallen. Authentic Guitar TAB. By Evanescence. For guitar and voice. This edition. Authentic Guitar TAB. Artist. Personality. Authentic Guitar TAB. Guitar Personality. Guitar TAB. Pop Rock and Hard Rock. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar notation legend. 64 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.PGM0314. ISBN 0757914683. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar notation legend. Pop Rock and Hard Rock. 9x12 inches. Clearly the hottest group of the year, Evanescence has mesmerized fans worldwide. This album-matching folio includes note-for-note guitar transcriptions, including the band's unique tunings. The beautiful solo piano accompaniment to "My Immortal" is transcribed in full, as is the solo piano introduction to "Bring Me To Life. " Complete with four pages of color photos, this folio displays the true essence of Evanescence. Bring Me to Life. Everybody's Fool. Going under. Haunted. Hello. Imaginary. My Immortal. My Last Breath. Taking Over Me. Tourniquet. Whisper.Preklad
Fallen. Authentic Guitar TAB. Tým, Evanescence. Pre gitaru a hlasu. Toto vydanie. Authentic Guitar TAB. Umelec. Osobnosť. Authentic Guitar TAB. Guitar osobnosti. Guitar TAB. Pop Rock a Hard Rock. Obtiažnosť. stredná. Gitara tablature spevník. Gitarových značiek, štandardné notácie, vokálne melódie, texty, názvy akordov a gitara firmy legenda. 64 strán. Vydal Alfred Music. AP.PGM0314. ISBN 0757914683. S gitarových značiek, štandardné notácie, vokálne melódie, texty, názvy akordov a gitara firmy legenda. Pop Rock a Hard Rock. 9x12 palcov. Je zrejmé, že najhorúcejšie skupina roka, Evanescence je uchvátený fanúšikov po celom svete. Tento album zladenie folio zahŕňa poznámka-pre-poznámka gitarové prepisy, vrátane unikátnych ladenie kapely. Krásna solo piano doprovod "My Immortal" je prepísaný v plnom rozsahu, ako je sólový klavír úvod do "Bring Me To Life. Kompletné so štyrmi strán farebných fotografií, to folio zobrazuje skutočnú podstatu Evanescence. Bring Me to Life. Všetci Fool. Chystáte sa na základe. Haunted. Ahoj. Imaginárny. My Immortal. My Last Breath. Užívanie Over Me. Turniket. Šepot.Obľúbené žiadosti