Noty $12.00
Fracture. score only. Kimberly Archer. Marimba sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Piano sheet music. Timpani sheet music. Vibraphone sheet music. Xylophone sheet music. Intermediate.Preklad
Zlomenina. skóre iba. Kimberly Archer. Marimba noty. Bicie noty. Klavírny noty. Tympány noty. Vibrafón noty. Xylofón noty. Stredná.Originál
Fracture. score only. composed by Kimberly Archer. Percussion Ensemble. For Percussion Ensemble. Bells, Brake Drum, Bell Tree Crotales, Bass Drum, Woodblock Chimes Vibraphone Xylophone Marimba 1. 4-octave. Marimba 2. 4-octave. Timpani Percussion. Tam tam, Field Drum, Triangle. Piano. Medium. Score only. Duration 7. 00. Published by C. Alan Publications. CN.18591. Fracture tackles the weighty subject of childhood abuse in this moving work for percussion ensemble. Beginning with carefree, idyllic simplicity and segueing into places with dark, sharp edges, Archer paints a vivid & powerful soundscape. Fracture was commissioned by the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Percussion Ensemble, Dr. Tammy Fisher, conductor & the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Tony Falcone, conductor Most of us recall our childhood in a comfortably hazy, idyllic light, as a time of carefree simplicity. However, I was recently struck by a friend's admission of having abruptly recovered memories of childhood abuse. What must this be like. Those long-held pastel images suddenly have to be integrated and reconciled with darkness and sharp edges. It occurred to me that while this is horrible, it is perhaps not so different from the common human experience of a traumatic accident, illness, death, or other life-changing event. For all of us, once our world is fractured, who we are and what we thought we knew can never be the same again. - Kim Archer.Preklad
Zlomenina. skóre iba. skladá Kimberly Archer. Percussion Ensemble. Pre Percussion Ensemble. Zvony, Brzdový bubon, Bell Tree crotales, Bass Drum, Woodblock Chimes vibrafón xylofón Marimba 1. 4-oktáva. Marimba 2. 4-oktáva. Tympány bicie. Tam tam, pole Drum, Triangle. Plán. Stredná. Skóre len. Doba trvania 7. 00. Vydal C. Alan Publikácie. CN.18591. Fracture rieši pádny tému zneužívania v detstve v tomto pohybujúce práci pre súbor bicích nástrojov. Počnúc bezstarostné, idylické jednoduchosť a segueing do miest s tmavými, ostrými hranami, Archer farby živé. Fracture bol poverený University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Percussion Ensemble, Dr Tammy Fisher, dirigent. Avšak, bol som v poslednej dobe zasiahnutý prijatia kamaráta mať náhle oživenie spomienok na zneužívanie v detstve. Čo to musí byť ako. Tieto dlhodobé držanie pastelové obrazy majú naraz treba integrovať a zladiť s temnotou a ostrými hranami. Napadlo ma, že aj keď je to hrozné, je to možno nie je tak odlišný od bežnej ľudskej skúsenosti traumatické nehody, choroby, smrti, alebo iné život meniace udalosť. Pre všetkých z nás, akonáhle náš svet je roztrieštený, kto sme a čo sme si mysleli, vedeli sme, že sa nikdy nebude rovnaký. - Kim Archer.Obľúbené žiadosti