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Music from the South. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music.Preklad
Hudba z juhu. Fingerpicking gitara noty.Originál
Music from the South for Guitar. Fingerpicking. Boxed, concert. documentary. DVD. 88 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.13131DVD. The Folksong Revival was a dynamic cultural event with its origins in the early 20th century. By the mid-1960s, it had captured American popular music, inspired a generation of folklorists, and served to reintroduce the United States to its vernacular musical roots. Fortunately some of the legendary artists of the 1920s and 1930s were rediscovered and performed at festivals and concerts. This DVD illustrates well the mingling of old and new within the framework of old-time, cajun, blues and folk music. It focuses on traditional instruments, i. the ancient mouth bow, autoharp, fiddle, banjo, accordion, diddley-bow, as well as the piano and guitar. Titles include. CLARK KESSINGER Sally Ann Johnson, Poca River Blues, Wednesday Night Waltz, Billy In The Lowgrounds, Leather Britches, Chicken Reel KILBY SNOW Kilby talks about learning the autoharp, Shady Grove, Please Don't Take Advantage of Me, Wildwood Flower, Close By JIMMY DRIFTWOOD Jimmy talks about the Mouth-Box, Old Joe Clark, Galloping Horse FIDDLE GROUP Turkey In The Straw COON CREEK GIRLS East Virginia Blues, Sight Of a Pretty Girl CANRAY FONTENOT & ALPHONSOS, BOIS SEC ARDOIN Eunice Two Step, Bon Soir Moreau, Lacassine Special, Jeune Gens de la Campagne, Les Barres de la Prison ED and LONNIE YOUNG and THE FIFE & DRUM BAND Oree, Ed Young talks about playing the fi fe, Snake Dance JESSIE MAE HEMPHILL & GROUP Get Right Church COMPTON JONES Working On The Railroad NAPOLEON STRICKLAND Roll and Tumble Blues, Bottle Up and Go GLEN ROY FAULKNER Bo-Diddley Blues, When I Lay My Burden Down MOSE VINSON Blues Jumped The Rabbitt, Roll and Tumble Blues JOHN. PIANO RED. WILLIAMS Roll and Tumble Blues BOOKER T. LOW Roll and Tumble Blues.Preklad
Hudba z juhu na gitaru. Fingerpicking. Boxed, koncert. dokumentárne. DVD. 88 strán. Vydal Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.13131DVD. Ľudová pieseň Revival bol dynamický kultúrne podujatia s jeho pôvod na začiatku 20. storočia. V polovici 1960, to zachytil americkú populárnu hudbu, inšpiroval generáciu folkloristov, a slúžil znovu zaviesť Spojené štáty ku svojim hudobným koreňom ľudovej. Našťastie niektoré z legendárnych umelcov roku 1920 a 1930 boli novo objavené a hral na festivaloch a koncertoch. Toto DVD dobre ilustruje prelínanie starého a nového rámci starých časov, Cajun, blues a folk hudby. Zameriava sa na tradičné nástroje, aj. staroveký ústa lúk, autoharp, husle, banjo, akordeón, Diddley, lúk, rovnako ako klavír a gitaru. Tituly sú. CLARK Kessinger Sally Ann Johnson, Poca River Blues, v stredu v noci Waltz, Billy In The Lowgrounds, kožené Britches, kuracie Reel KILBY SNOW Kilby hovorí o učení autoharp, Shady Grove, Please Do not využiť ma, Wildwood Flower, v blízkosti JIMMY DRIFTWOOD Jimmy hovorí o Mouth-Box, Old Joe Clark, cválajícím konoch podfuk GROUP Turecko v slame mývalia CREEK GIRLS východ Virginia Blues, Sight pekná dievčina CANRAY Fontenot. PIANO RED. WILLIAMS Roll and Tumble Blues BOOKER T. LOW Roll and Tumble Blues.Obľúbené žiadosti