
Noty $8.00


Airs & Melodies of Scotland's Past. Fiddle sheet music. Hammered Dulcimer sheet music. Mandolin sheet music. Violin sheet music.


Afektovane správanie. Fiddle noty. Kované Cimbálová noty. Mandolína noty. Husle noty.


Airs & Melodies of Scotland's Past for hammered dulcimer, fiddle, mandolin. Published by Kitchen Musician Books. KI.KM10. 38 airs, strathspeys, reels and jigs from old Scottish tune collections published 1770s to 1880s, in standard notation, chords. Brachanloam. Braes of Tullimet. Captain Cameron's Volunteers March - Balvenie. Carlin, Is Your Daughter Ready. Catch and Kiss the Romp. Coilsfield House. Craigellachie Bridge. Crossing To Ireland. The Dairy Maid. Domhnall Dubh. Duke of Perth's Reel. Elsie Marley. Fisherman's Song for Attracting the Seals. The Haggis. The Hawthorne Tree of Cawdor. Hey Tuti TetiÂ. The Highlands of Banffshire. Jenny Dang The WeaverÂ. Johnny McGillÂ. Lady Charlotte Campbell's New StrathspeyÂ. Lady Madelina Sinclair's strathspey. Lord Ballenden. Lord Lovat's LamentÂ. Lord Spencer ChichesterÂ. MacDonaldÂ. The Maid That Tends the GoatsÂ. Marquis of Huntly's StrathspeyÂ. The MillÂ. Miss Graham of Gartmore's StrathspeyÂ. Moneymusk. Mr. Garden Jun.rs Return & Welcome to Troop House. The Old Man's Mare DiedÂ. The Piper of Dundee. The Quaker. Rowing from Isla to UistÂ. Scolding Wives of AbertarffÂ. St. Kilda's WeddingÂ. Tullochghorum.


Afektovane správanie. Vydal Kuchynské Hudobník Knihy. KI.KM10. 38 vysiela, strathspeys, navijaky a prípravky zo starých škótskych naladiť zbierok publikovaných 1770s k 1880, v štandardnom zápisu, akordy. Brachanloam. Braes z Tullimet. Kapitán Cameron Dobrovoľníci marca - Balvenie. Carlin, je vaša dcéra Ready. Catch a Kiss vyvádzanie. Coilsfield dom. Craigellachie Most. Prechod do Írska. Dairy Maid. Domhnall Dubh. Duke of Perth cievka. Elsie Marley. Rybárska Song pre prilákanie tesnenie. Haggis. Hawthorne Strom Cawdore. Ahoj Tuti Teti. Vysočina Banffshire. Jenny Dang Weaver. Johnny McGill. Lady Charlotte Campbell je New StrathspeyÂ. Strathspey Lady Madeline Sinclair. Lord Ballenden. Lorda Lovat je Lament. Lord Spencer Chichester. Macdonald. Maid, ktorý má tendenciu sa Goats. Markíz Huntly je StrathspeyÂ. Milla. Slečna Graham z Gartmore je StrathspeyÂ. Moneymusk. Pán Garden Jun.rs Späť. Starý muž sa Mare Died. Piper of Dundee. Quaker. Veslovanie od Isla do Uist. Hubování Manželky AbertarffÂ. St. Kilda je Wedding. Tullochghorum.