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The Real Book - C Edition. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.Preklad
The Real Book - C Edition. Rôzny. C Instrument noty. Klavírny noty. Začiatok.Originál
The Real Book - C Edition. Sixth Edition. By Various. By Various. For C Instruments. Hal Leonard Instrumental Fake Books. Jazz. Difficulty. easy-medium to medium. Fakebook. spiral bound. Melody, standard notation and chord names. 462 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240221. ISBN 0634060384. With melody, standard notation and chord names. Jazz. 8.5x11 inches. The Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time. Since the 1970s, musicians have trusted these volumes to get them through every gig, night after night. The problem is that the books were illegally produced and distributed, without any regard to copyright law, or royalties paid to the composers who created these musical masterpieces. Hal Leonard is very proud to present the first legitimate and legal editions of these books ever produced. You won't even notice the difference, other than that all of the notorious errors have been fixed. the covers and typeface look the same, the song list is nearly identical, and the price for our edition is even cheaper than the original. Every conscientious musician will appreciate that these books are now produced accurately and ethically, benefitting the songwriters that we owe for some of the greatest tunes of all time. 400 songs, including Body and Soul, Easy Living, Take Five and hundreds more. A "fake book" contains songs written in a concise format that includes only the melody and chords, letting you interpret the song's performance as you feel is appropriate. This is great for quickly learning songs by yourself or with an ensemble. Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody. This melody will have the lyrics written beneath the notes, with each word aligned to its corresponding note. Above the notes of the melody will appear the names of the appropriate chords to play - for example, a "C minor" chord would be written as "Cmin" or Cm", rather than writing out all of the notes in those chords as they appeared in the original version of the song. This format is very compact, which is why you will often see fakebooks containing 500 or more songs. Easy Living. West Coast Blues. Ring Dem Bells. Israel. Pfrancing. No Blues. Peace. Afternoon In Paris. Agua De Beber. Water To Drink. Always. Cotton Tail. Airegin. Passion Flower. Guilty. Lines And Spaces. Conception. Passion Dance. Alfie. Alice in Wonderland. All Blues. All By Myself. Topsy. Sidewinder. Lament. How My Heart Sings. Detour Ahead. Con Alma. Hot Toddy. Solitude. All Of Me. All Of You. Dolphin Dance. Broadway. Upper Manhattan Medical Group. I Love You. One Finger Snap. Alright, Okay, You Win. So What. Somebody Loves Me. Afro Blue. Once I Loved. Uniquity Road. Angel Eyes. A Child Is Born. Full House. Stuff. Anthropology. April In Paris. Miss Ann. Au Privave. Autumn In New York. Autumn Leaves. Bessie's Blues. Bewitched. Big Nick. Black Coffee. Blue In Green. The Blue Room. Blue Train. Bluesette. Body And Soul. But Beautiful. Byrd Like. Call Me Irresponsible. Chega De Saudade. No More Blues. Chelsea Bridge. Cherokee. Indian Love Song. Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White. Come Sunday. Confirmation. D Natural Blues. Daahoud. Darn that Dream. Dearly Beloved. Django. Don't Blame Me. Don't Get Around Much Anymore. Donna Lee. Dream A Little Dream Of Me. Easter Parade. Equinox. Falling Grace. Falling in Love With Love. A Fine Romance. Footprints. For All We Know. Four On Six. Freddie Freeloader. Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You. The Girl From Ipanema. God Bless' The Child. Giant Steps. Half Nelson. Have You Met Miss Jones. Hello, Young Lovers. Here's That Rainy Day. How High The Moon. How Insensitive. I Can't Get Started With You. I Can't Give You Anything But Love. I Could Write A Book. I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart. I Love Paris. I Remember Clifford. I Should Care. I'll Remember April. I'm All Smiles. I'm Beginning to See the Light. If You Never Come To Me. Impressions. In A Sentimental Mood. In The Mood. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning. The Inch Worm. The Intrepid Fox. Invitation. Isn't It Romantic. It Don't Mean a Thing. If it ain't got That Swing. June In January. Just One More Chance. Lazy River. Like Someone In Love. Limehouse Blues. Look To The Sky. Love Is The Sweetest Thing. Lullaby Of Birdland. Lush Life. Maiden Voyage. Meditation. Michelle. Misty. Moment's Notice. Mood Indigo. Mr. P.C. My Buddy. My Favorite Things. My Foolish Heart. My Funny Valentine. My One And Only Love. My Romance. My Shining Hour. My Ship. Naima. Nardis. Nefertiti. Never Will I Marry. Nica's Dream. Night Train. Oleo. Ornithology. Out Of Nowhere. Paper Doll. Penthouse Serenade. Prelude To A Kiss. Red Clay. 'round Midnight. Ruby, My Dear. Satin Doll. Scotch And Soda. Scrapple From The Apple. Seven Come Eleven. Seven Steps to Heaven. So Nice. Summer Samba. Solar. Some Day My Prince Will Come. Some Other Spring. Some Skunk Funk. Song For My Father. Sophisticated Lady. Stella By Starlight. Stolen Moments. STOMPIN' AT THE SAVOY. The Surrey With The Fringe On Top. Take Five. Take The 'A' Train. There Is No Greater Love. There Will Never Be Another You. They Didn't Believe Me. Thou Swell. Triste. Tune Up. Up Jumped Spring. Valse Hot. Wait Till You See Her. Waltz For Debby. Wave. Well You Needn't. When I Fall in Love. When Sunny Gets Blue. When You Wish Upon A Star. Whispering. Wives And Lovers. The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise. Twisted Blues. Nuages. Black Orpheus. Yesterday. Tour De Force. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. You Are Too Beautiful. You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me. You Took Advantage Of Me. Blues For Alice. Tell Me A Bedtime Story. Beautiful Love. Blue Bossa. Eighty One. E.S.P. Gloria's Step. Little Waltz. Pent Up House. We'll Be Together Again. Freedom Jazz Dance. The Star-Crossed Lovers. Woodyn' You. Epistrophy. Ana Maria. Mahjong. Miyako. Night Dreamer. Speak No Evil. Witch Hunt. Lady Bird. Jelly Roll. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum. Pinocchio. Butterfly. Reflections. Inner Urge. Isotope. Las Vegas Tango. Heaven. Sugar. Gemini. Beauty And The Beast. Golden Lady. April Joy. Bright Size Life. Midwestern Nights Dream. Missouri Uncompromised. Sirabhorn. Unity Village. Ceora. El Gaucho. Armageddon. Skating In Central Park. Arise, Her Eyes. What Am I Here For. Old Man From. The Old Country. Joy Spring. Swedish Pastry. Three Flowers. Central Park West. Chitlins Con Carne. Como En Vietnam. Countdown. Crescent. Grand Central. Hullo Bolinas. I'm Your Pal. Lazy Bird. Lonnie's Lament. Mysterious Traveller. Black Narcissus. Jordu. Interplay. Recorda-Me. Ecclusiastics. Jump Monk. Nostalgia In Times Square. Peggy's Blue Skylight. Pithecanthropus Erectus. Pussy Cat Dues. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird. The Night Has A Thousand Eyes. Boplicity. Captain Marvel. Crystal Silence. All The Things You Are. C'est Si Bon. It's So Good. 500 Miles High. Groovin' High. Is You Is, Or Is You Ain't. Ma' Baby. It's Easy To Remember. Long Ago. and Far Away. A Night In Tunisia. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out. One Note Samba. P.S. I Love You. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Corcovado. The Song Is You. A String of Pearls. Tones For Joan's Bones. Woodchopper's Ball. For Heaven's Sake. Yesterdays. You Don't Know What Love Is. Silver Hollow. Windows. Lady Sings The Blues. Peri's Scope. Time Remembered. Very Early. Four. Apple Honey. My Way. I Mean You. Call Me. Quiet Now. Turn Out The Stars. Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man. Dizzy Atmosphere. Dreamsville. I Love You. For Sentimental Reasons. Heebie Jeebies. I'll Never Smile Again. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World. Once In Love With Amy. Only Trust Your Heart. Standing On The Corner. A Sunday Kind Of Love. That's Amore. There'll Be Some Changes Made. You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You. Little Boat. A Man And A Woman. Steps. I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free. Unchain My Heart. Icarus. Desafinado. Contemplation. Chippie. Milano. Tame Thy Pen. 502 Blues. Equipoise. African Flower. In Your Quiet Place. Could It Be You. Dedicated To You. Blue Monk. Fall. Yes And No. Sea Journey. Minority. Road Song. Easy To Love. Thanks For The Memory. Litha. What Was. In A Mellow Tone. Iris. Prince Of Darkness. Black Nile. Forest Flower. Sweet Georgia Bright. Think On Me. Man In The Green Shirt. Memories Of Tomorrow. The Saga Of Harrison Crabfeathers. Deluge. House Of Jade. Dolores. Orbits. Good Evening Mr. And Mrs. America. Indian Lady. Chelsea Bells. Doin' The Pig. Domino Biscuit. The Green Mountains. Portsmouth Figurations. Sweet Henry. Coral. Days And Nights Waiting. Grow Your Own. Lucky Southern. Moonchild. The Magician In You. Broad Way Blues. The Sphinx. Dear Old Stockholm. Midnight Mood. Gypsy In My Soul. Day Waves. Desert Air. Dexterity. Wild Flower. Sometime Ago. Kelo. Black Diamond. Oliloqui Valley. The Sorcerer. Juju. Virgo. Journey to Recife. Dancing On The Ceiling. Follow Your Heart. Straight No Chaser. Young At Heart.Preklad
The Real Book - C Edition. Šieste vydanie. Tým Rôzne. Tým Rôzne. Pre C nástroje. Hal Leonard Instrumental Fake Books. Jazz. Obtiažnosť. easy-medium pre médiá. Fakebook. Krúžková väzba. Melody, štandardné notácie a akordov mená. 462 strán. Vydal Hal Leonard. HL.240221. ISBN 0634060384. S melódie, štandardné notácie a názvy akordov. Jazz. 8.5x11 palcov. The Real knihy sú najpredávanejšie jazzovej kníh všetkých čias. Od roku 1970, hudobníci dôveryhodné tieto objemy, aby si ich cez všetky koncert, večer čo večer. Problém je v tom, že knihy boli nelegálne vyrobené a distribuované, bez ohľadu na autorským zákonom, alebo licenčné poplatky vyplácané skladateľov, ktorí vytvorili tieto hudobné diela. Hal Leonard je veľmi hrdý na to, predstaviť prvý legitímne a zákonné vydanie týchto kníh, ktoré kedy boli vyrobené. Nebudete ani nevšimnete rozdielu, iný ako všetky notoricky známe chyby boli opravené. kryty a písma vyzerajú rovnako, zoznam skladieb je takmer totožná, a cena pre naše vydanie je dokonca lacnejší ako originál. Každý svedomitý hudobník ocení, že tieto knihy sú teraz vyrábané presne a eticky, ťažiť sa skladateľovi, ktorý dlhujeme pre niektoré z najväčších skladieb všetkých čias. 400 skladieb, vrátane duše a tela, Easy Living, trvať päť a stovky viac. "Fake kniha" obsahuje piesne napísané v prehľadnej podobe, ktorá obsahuje iba melódiu a akordy, čo umožňuje interpretovať výkon tejto skladby, ako sa cítite, je vhodné. To je skvelé pre rýchle učenie piesne sami alebo so súborom. Každá pieseň vo falošnom knihe má len jednu melódiu vlastne napísaný v poznámkach, čo je zvyčajne vokálne alebo olovo melódie. Táto melódie budú mať texty napísané pod poznámkach, s každým slovom vyladený tak, aby jeho príslušné poznámke. Nad tóny melódie sa objavia mená príslušných akordov hrať - napríklad "C moll" akord by bol písaný ako "C min" alebo Cm ", skôr než písanie sa všetky poznámky v týchto akordoch ako oni sa objavil v pôvodnej verzii piesne. Tento formát je veľmi kompaktný, čo je dôvod, prečo budete často vidieť fakebooks obsahujúce 500 alebo viac skladieb. Easy Living. West Coast Blues. Ring Dem Bells. Izrael. Pfrancing. Žiadne Blues. Mier. Popoludní v Paríži. Pitná voda. Vodu na pitie. Vždy. Cotton Tail. Airegin. Passion Flower. Vinný. Čiary a medzery. Design. Passion Dance. Alfie. Alenka v ríši divov. Všetky Blues. All By Myself. Topsy. Sidewinder. Nárek. How My Heart Sings. Detour Ahead. Con Alma. Hot Toddy. Samota. All Of Me. All Of You. Dolphin Dance. Broadway. Horná Manhattan Medical Group. Milujem ťa. Jeden Finger Snap. Dobre, Dobre, vy vyhráte. No a čo. Niekto miluje ma. Afro modrá. Potom, čo som miloval. Námetu Road. Angel Eyes. Child Is Born. Full House. Materiál. Antropológia. Apríla v Paríži. Miss Ann. Au Privave. Jeseň v New Yorku. Jesenné lístie. Bessie Blues. Očarovaný. Big Nick. Čierna káva. Modrá zelene. Modrý izba. Blue Train. Bluesette. Telo a duša. Ale krásna. Byrd ako. Call Me Nezodpovedné. Chegem De Saudade. No More Blues. Chelsea Bridge. Cherokee. Indiánska pieseň lásky. Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White. Príďte nedeľa. Potvrdenie. D Natural Blues. Daahoud. Sakra, že Dream. Najmilší. Django. Neobviňujte ma. Nepoužívajte Get Around Much Anymore. Donna Lee. Dream A Little Dream Of Me. Easter Parade. Rovnodennosť. Padajúce Milosť. Falling in Love With Love. A Fine Romance. Footprints. Pre All We Know. Štyri na šiestich. Freddie Freeloader. Gee Baby, Nie je mi dobre na vás. Girl From Ipanema. Boh žehnaj "The Child. Obrie kroky. Half Nelson. Stretli ste sa slečna Jonesová. Dobrý deň, mladí milenci. Tu je to Rainy Day. How High The Moon. Ako Necitlivosť. Nemôžem Začíname s vami. Nemôžem dať nič než láska. Mohol by som napísať knihu. Mám to zlé a to nie je dobré. Aj Nech A Song Go Out Of My Heart. Milujem Paríž. Aj Remember Clifford. By som sa mal starať. Budem si to pamätať apríla. Som All Smiles. Začínam vidieť svetlo. Ak ste nikdy prísť ku mne. Dojmy. V sentimentálny nálade. In The Mood. V The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning. Inch Worm. Intrepid Fox. Pozvanie. Nie je to Romantic. To neznamenajú vec. Ak sa nedostal That Swing. Júna v januári. Just One More Chance. Lazy River. Ako niekto v láske. Limehouse Blues. Pozrite sa na oblohu. Láska je najsladšie vec. Lullaby Of Birdland. Lush Life. Maiden Voyage. Rozjímanie. Michelle. Hmlistý. Okamih oznámenia. Mood Indigo. Pán P.C. My Buddy. My Favorite Things. My Foolish Heart. My Funny Valentine. My One And Only Láska. My Romance. My Shining Hour. Moja loď. Naima. Nardis. Nefertiti. Nikdy Budem Marry. Nica sen. Night Train. Oleo. Ornitológie. Out Of Nowhere. Paper Doll. Penthouse Serenade. Predohra k bozku. Red Clay. 'Round Midnight. Ruby, My Dear. Satin Doll. Scotch a Soda. Scrapple z Apple. Seven Eleven Príďte. Sedem krokov k nebu. So Nice. Summer Samba. Slnečné. Niektoré Day My Prince Will príde. Some Other Spring. Niektoré Skunk Funk. Song pre môjho otca. Sofistikované Lady. Stella By Starlight. Ukradnuté Moments. Stompin 'AT THE SAVOY. Surrey With The Fringe Na začiatok. Vezmite päť. Take The "A" Train. Nie je väčšia lásky. Nikdy nebude Ďalším ste. Oni mi neveril. Tie Swell. Smutný. Ladiť. Vyskočila jar. Valse Hot. Počkajte, až uvidíte Her. Valčík pre Debby. Vlna. No nemusíte. Keď som Fall in Love. Keď sa Sunny dostane modrý. Keď vy prajete si na hviezde. Whispering. Manželky a milovníci. Svet čaká na slnko. Twisted Blues. Mraky. Black Orpheus. Včera. Husársky kúsok. Vy ste Sunshine Of My Life. Ste moc krásna. Môžete priniesol nový druh lásky ku mne. Využil si ma. Blues For Alice. Povedz mi rozprávku na dobrú noc. Krásne Láska. Modrá Bossa. Osemdesiat jedna. E.S.P. Gloria krok. Malý Waltz. Zavretý Up dom. Budeme zase spolu. Freedom Jazz Dance. Star-Crossed Lovers. Woodyn "Ty. Epistrophy. Ana Maria. Mahjong. Miyako. Night Dreamer. Speak No Evil. Hon na čarodejnice. Lady Bird. Jelly Roll. Fee-Fi-Fo-FUM. Pinocchio. Motýľ. Úvahy. Vnútorné Urge. Izotop. Las Vegas Tango. Neba. Cukor. Blíženci. Beauty And The Beast. Golden Lady. Apríla Joy. Bright Size Life. Stredozápadnej Nights Dream. Missouri bez kompromisov. Sirabhorn. Unity Village. Ceora. Gaucho. Armageddon. Korčuľovanie v Central Parku. Vstaň, oči. Čo som tu pre. Old Man Od. Old Country. Joy Spring. Švédska Zákusky. Tri kvetiny. Central Park West. Chitlins Con Carne. Como En Vietnam. Odpočítavanie. Polmesiac. Grand Central. Haló Bolinas. Som Váš Pal. Lazy Bird. Lonnie je Lament. Mysterious Traveller. Black Narcissus. Jordu. Súhra. Record-Me. Ecclusiastics. Prejsť Monk. Nostalgie v Times Square. Peggy Blue Skylight. Pithecanthropus Erectus. Pussy Cat Dues. Reinkarnácia Of A Lovebird. Noc má tisíc očí. Boplicity. Kapitán Marvel. Crystal Silence. Všetky veci, ktoré ste. C'est Si Bon. Je to tak dobrý. 500 Miles High. Groovin 'High. Je si ich alebo si ich ani. Ma 'baby. Je to ľahko zapamätateľné. Dávno. a Far Away. Noc v Tunisku. Nikto ťa pozná, keď ste dole a von. Jeden Poznámka Samba. PS: Milujem ťa. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Hrbáč. Pieseň je vy. String of Pearls. Tóny pre Joan Bones. Woodchopper, má panenko. Preboha. Včera. Vy neviete, čo je to láska. Silver Hollow. Windows. Lady Sings The Blues. Peri je predmet. Čas si pamätal. Veľmi skoro. Štyri. Apple Honey. My Way. Aj Mean You. Zavolajte mi. Pokojné Teraz. Turn Out The Stars. Nemôže pomôcť Lovin 'Dat Man. Dizzy Atmosphere. Dreamsville. Milujem ťa. Sentimentálnych dôvodov. Heebie Jeebies. Nikdy úsmev znova. Najkrajšie dievča na svete. Potom, čo v láske s Amy. Ver len Your Heart. Stál na rohu. Nedeľné Kind Of Love. To je Amore. Budú tam niektoré zmeny vykonané. Si Nikto Til Somebody Loves You. Malý čln. Muž a žena. Kroky. Rád by som vedel, ako by to bolo byť zadarmo. Unchain My Heart. Icarus. Desafinado. Rozjímanie. Chippie. Miláno. Tame Thy Pen. 502 Blues. Rovnováha. African Flower. Vo vašom Pokojné miesto. Mohol by to byť aj vy. Dedicated To You. Modrá Monk. Pokles. Áno aj nie. Sea Journey. Menšina. Road Song. Easy To Love. Vďaka za pamäť. Litha. Aký bol. V A Mellow Tone. Kosatec. Prince Of Darkness. Black Nile. Forest Flower. Sladké Georgia Bright. Myslíš, že On Me. Muž v zelenej košeli. Memories Of Tomorrow. Saga Of Harrison Crabfeathers. Potopa. House Of Jade. Dolores. Obežnej dráhy. Dobrý večer pán a pani Amerika. Indian Lady. Chelsea Bells. Doin 'Pig. Domino Biscuit. Zelené hory. Portsmouth konfiguráciu. Sladké Henry. Korál. Dni a noci Čakanie. Grow Your Own. Lucky Southern. Moonchild. Kúzelník vo vás. Široká cesta Blues. Sphinx. Dear Old Štokholm. Hv Mood. Gypsy In My Soul. Deň Waves. Desert Air. Obratnosť. Wild Flower. Kedysi. Kelo. Black Diamond. Oliloqui Valley. Čarodejník. Juju. Panna. Cesta do Recife. Dancing On The Ceiling. Follow Your Heart. Straight No Chaser. Young At Heart.Obľúbené žiadosti