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The Frank Sinatra Fake Book. Frank Sinatra. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music.


Frank Sinatra Fake Book. Frank Sinatra. C Instrument noty. Klavírny noty.


The Frank Sinatra Fake Book by Frank Sinatra. For C Instruments. Fake Book. Softcover. 244 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240301. ISBN 1423433440. 9x12 inches. Over 200 classics from the Chairman of the Board, arranged in fake book format. Features melody, lyrics & chords for keyboard, vocal ad all C instruments, for hits such as. All the Things You Are. The Best Is Yet to Come. Don't Take Your Love from Me. Easy to Love. A Foggy Day. In London Town. The Good Life. High Hopes. I Could Write a Book. I Get a Kick Out of You. I've Got a Crush on You. I've Got You Under My Skin. In the Still of the Night. It Was a Very Good Year. The Lady Is a Tramp. Love and Marriage. My Kind of Town. Chicago Is. Night and Day. One for My Baby. And One More for the Road. Ring-A-Ding Ding. Somethin' Stupid. Stardust. That Old Feeling. The Very Thought of You. The Way You Look Tonight. Witchcraft. You Make Me Feel So Young. Young at Heart. and scores more. I Get Along Without You Very Well. Except Sometimes. If I Should Lose You. Azure-Te. Paris Blues. After You've Gone. Ain't She Sweet. Time After Time. Lean Baby. All Alone. I'm A Fool To Want You. All My Tomorrows. All Of Me. All The Things You Are. All The Way. Day by Day. From Here To Eternity. The Good Life. French Foreign Legion. My Way. I'll Be Around. From This Moment On. Somebody Loves Me. American Beauty Rose. Only The Lonely. The Look Of Love. Maybe You'll Be There. Talk To Me. Anything Goes. April In Paris. How Little We Know. The Last Dance. Summer Wind. Sand and Sea. As Time Goes By. Autumn In New York. Autumn Leaves. Sunday. Where Are You. High Hopes. Change Partners. Come Dance With Me. Hey. Jealous Lover. Our Town. Style. The Best Of Everything. Please Be Kind. Same Old Saturday Night. To Love And Be Loved. Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. Easy To Love. You'd Be So Easy To Love. Baubles, Bangles And Beads. The Best is Yet to Come. The Birth Of The Blues. Walking In The Sunshine. Learnin' The Blues. Don'cha Go 'Way Mad. Young At Heart. Dream Away. Ring-A-Ding Ding. Sleep Warm. There's No You. You, My Love. Imagination. I've Never Been In Love Before. If I Had You. The September Of My Years. The Way You Look Tonight. Ol' Man River. Witchcraft. I Love My Wife. Available. Here's To The Losers. You Are There. Close To You. I Dream Of You. More Than You Dream I Do. I Think of You. Then Suddenly Love. Anytime. I'll Be There. Where Is The One. Monday Morning Quarterback. Satisfy Me One More Time. Chicago. That Toddlin' Town. I Should Care. The Coffee Song. They've Got An Awful Lot Of Coffee In Brazil. Come Fly With Me. Come Rain Or Come Shine. Cycles. Day In, Day Out. Don't Cry Joe. Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go. Don't Like Goodbyes. Don't Take Your Love From Me. Don't Worry 'Bout Me. You Turned My World Around. EAST OF THE SUN. AND WEST OF THE MOON. Embraceable You. The End Of A Love Affair. Five Minutes More. Fly Me to the Moon. In Other Words. A Foggy Day. In London Town. For The Good Times. Full Moon And Empty Arms. Gone With The Wind. Here's That Rainy Day. The House I Live In. How Deep Is The Ocean. How High Is The Sky. I Can't Believe I'm Losing You. I Concentrate On You. I Could Write A Book. I Don't Know Why. I Just Do. I Get A Kick Out Of You. I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plan. I Hadn't Anyone Till You. I Thought About You. I Wanna Be Around. I Wish I Were In Love Again. I'll Never Smile Again. I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter. I've Got A Crush On You. I've Got The World On A String. I've got you Under My Skin. Ill Wind. You're Blowin' Me No Good. In The Blue Of Evening. In The Cool, Cool, Cool Of The Evening. In The Still Of The Night. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning. Isle Of Capri. It All Depends On You. It Could Happen To You. It Happened In Monterey. It Was A Very Good Year. It's A Blue World. It's The Same Old Dream. Just in Time. The Lady is a Tramp. Last Night When We Were Young. Let's Get Away From It All. Like Someone In Love. Linda. Love And Marriage. Love's Been Good To Me. Luck Be A Lady. Me And My Shadow. Moonlight Becomes You. Moonlight in Vermont. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World. My Baby Just Cares For Me. My Heart Stood Still. My Kind Of Town. Chicago Is. The Nearness Of You. Theme From 'New York, New York'. Nice 'n' Easy. Nice Work If You Can Get It. Night and Day. Oh. Look At Me Now. Oh. What It Seemed To Be. On the Road To Mandalay. On The Sunny Side Of The Street. One For My Baby. And One More For The Road. Pocketful Of Miracles. Put Your Dreams Away. For Another Day. River, Stay 'Way From My Door. Roses Of Picardy. S'posin'. Saturday Night. Is the Loneliest Night of the Week. The Second Time Around. Send in the Clowns. Serenade In Blue. Should I. Somethin' Stupid. The Song Is Ended. But The Melody Lingers On. The Song Is You. South Of The Border. Down Mexico Way. Stardust. Stella By Starlight. Strangers In The Night. The Summer Knows. Sunday, Monday Or Always. Swinging on a Star. Love Is. The Tender Trap. That Old Feeling. That's Life. There Are Such Things. They All Laughed. They Can't Take That Away From Me. They Say It's Wonderful. This Love Of Mine. Three Coins in the Fountain. The Very Thought of You. Wait Till You See Her. Well, Did You Evah. What Is This Thing Called Love. What's New. When The World Was Young. Where Or When. Why Can't You Behave. Winners. Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams. And Dream Your Troubles Away. If You Are But A Dream. Yes Indeed. You And Me. We Wanted It All. You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me. You Make Me Feel So Young. You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To. You'll Never Know. You're Driving Me Crazy. What Did I Do. You're Sensational. Somewhere Along The Way. Somewhere In Your Heart. Blues In the Night. Fools Rush In. Where Angels Fear To Tread. I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You. I Can't Get Started. More. Ti Guarderà Nel Cuore. It's A Wonderful World. Loving Wonderful You. It's A Lonesome Old Town. When You're Not Around. Nancy With The Laughing Face.


Frank Sinatra Fake Book Frank Sinatra. Pre C nástroje. Fake Book. Softcover. Počet strán: 244. Vydal Hal Leonard. HL.240301. ISBN 1423433440. 9x12 palcov. Viac ako 200 klasických z predsedu správnej rady, usporiadané vo falošnej knihy vo formáte. Funkcia melódie, texty. Všetky veci ste. Najlepšie ešte len príde. Neberte Your Love odo mňa. Easy to Love. Foggy Day. V Londýne Meste. The Good Life. Veľké nádeje. Mohol by som napísať knihu. Ja dostanem kop z vás. Ja som dostal Crush On You. Ja som dostal vás pod mojou kožou. V ešte v noci. To bol veľmi dobrý rok. Lady Is Tramp. Láska a manželstvo. My Kind of Town. Chicago je. Vo dne v noci. Jeden pre moje dieťa. A ešte jeden pre ceste. Ring-A-Ding Ding. Niečo Stupid. Stardust. To Old Feeling. Samotná myšlienka na Teba. The Way You Look Tonight. Kúzelníctvo. Môžete Make Me Feel So Young. Young at Heart. a skóre viac. Aj Get Along Without You Veľmi dobre. Okrem Niekedy. Ak ti môžem stratiť. Azure-Te. Parížskej blues. Potom, čo ste preč. Nie je to sladké. Znovu a znovu. Lean dieťa. All Alone. Som blázon, že budete chcieť. Všetky moje zajtrajšky. All Of Me. Všetky veci, ktoré ste. All The Way. Deň po dni. Odtiaľ až na večnosť. The Good Life. Francúzskej cudzineckej légie. My Way. Budem blízkosti. Od tohto okamihu. Niekto miluje ma. American Beauty Rose. Iba Lonely. Pozrite Of Love. Možno budete Be There. Hovor so mnou. Anything Goes. Apríla v Paríži. Ako málo vieme. The Last Dance. Letný vietor. Piesok a more. Postupom času. Jeseň v New Yorku. Jesenné lístie. Nedeľa. Kde ste. Veľké nádeje. Zmena Partneri. Poďte Dance With Me. Hej. Žiarlivý milenec. Naše mesto. Štýl. The Best Of Everything. Prosím Be Kind. Same Old Saturday Night. Ak chcete milovať a byť milovaný. Baby, nebude si prosím, poď domov. Easy To Love. Ty by si byť tak jednoduché milovať. Ozdoby, náramky a korálky. Najlepšie ešte len príde. Narodenia Of The Blues. Chôdza na slnku. Learnin 'The Blues. Don'cha Go 'Way Mad. Young At Heart. Dream Vonku. Ring-A-Ding Ding. Sleep Warm. Je tu žiadne Vy. Tie, My Love. Predstavivosť. Nikdy som nebol zamilovaný. Keby som sa s tebou. Septembra mojich rokov. The Way You Look Tonight. Ol 'Man River. Kúzelníctvo. I Love My Wife. Dostupný. Tak na porazenie. Vy ste tam. Close To You. Aj Dream Of You. Viac ako You Dream mám robiť. Aj Think of You. Potom zrazu láska. Kedykoľvek. Ja budem tam. Kde je jeden. Pondelok ráno Quarterback. Uspokojiť Me One More Time. Chicago. To Toddlin 'Mesto. By som sa mal starať. Coffee Song. Majú tam strašne veľa kávy v Brazílii. No Fly With Me. Príďte dážď alebo Poďte topánok. Cykly. Day In, Day Out. Neplač Joe. Nechaj ju ísť, nechaj ju ísť, nechaj ju ísť. Nepáči sa mi zbohom. Neberte Your Love From Me. Nebojte sa 'Bout Me. Môžete sa obrátil môj svet okolo. EAST OF THE SUN. A WEST OF THE MOON. Embraceable ste. The End Of Love Affair. Päť minút Viac. Fly Me na Mesiac. Inými slovami,. Foggy Day. V Londýne Meste. The Good Times. Full Moon a prázdne zbrane. Gone With The Wind. Tu je to Rainy Day. Dom Aj Live In. Ako hlboký je oceán. Aký vysoký je Sky. Nemôžem uveriť, že som ťa Strata. Aj Sústreďte sa na vás. Mohol by som napísať knihu. Ja neviem prečo. Aj Just Do. Aj Get A Kick Out Of You. Aj Gotta Right To Sing The Blues. Myslím, že budem musieť zmeniť svoj plán. Nemal som to nikomu, kým. Premýšľal som o vás. I Wanna Be Around. Aj Wish Aj Were In Love Again. Nikdy úsmev znova. Ja som Gonna Sit Right Down And Napíšte Myself A Letter. Ja som dostal Crush On You. Ja som dostal The World On A String. Mám ťa Under My Skin. Ill Wind. Si Blowin 'Me No Good. V The Blue večera. V chladnom, chladenie, chladenie večera. V tichu noci. V The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning. Isle Of Capri. To všetko závisí od vás. Mohlo by to stať aj vám. Stalo sa to v Monterey. To bol veľmi dobrý rok. Je to Blue World. Je to ten rovnaký starý sen. Just in Time. Lady je Tramp. Posledný večer, keď sme boli mladí. Poďme preč od toho všetkého. Ako niekto v láske. Linda. Láska a manželstvo. Láska je Been Good To Me. Luck Be A Lady. Me And My tieň. Moonlight stáva Vy. Moonlight vo Vermonte. Najkrajšie dievča na svete. Moje dieťa len Cares For Me. Moje srdce sa zastavil. My Kind Of Town. Chicago je. Blízkosť Of You. Theme From "New York, New York". Nice 'n' Easy. Pekná práca, ak môžete dostať. Vo dne v noci. Ó. Pozri sa na mňa teraz. Ó. Čo sa zdalo byť. Na ceste k Mandalay. Na slnečnej strane ulice. One For My Baby. A One More For The Road. Pocketful Of Miracles. Dajte svoje sny vonku. Na ďalší deň. River, Zostaň "Cesta z mojej dvere. Roses Of Pikardia. S'posin ". Sobota v noci. Je nejosamělejší Noc týždňa. Second Time Around. Pošlite klaunov. Serenade In Blue. Mal by som. Niečo Stupid. Song je ukončená. Ale Melody nevšímavý na. Pieseň je vy. Južne od hranice. Down Mexiko Way. Stardust. Stella By Starlight. Strangers In The Night. Letné vie. Nedeľa, pondelok alebo vždy. Hojdať na hviezdy. Love Is. Tender Trap. To Old Feeling. To je život. Existujú také veci. Všetci sa zasmiali. Nemôžu Take That Away From Me. Hovoria, že je to báječný. This Love Of Mine. Tri mince vo fontáne. Samotná myšlienka na Teba. Počkajte, až uvidíte Her. No, ty si evah. Čo je to za vec volala lásku. Čo je nové. Keď svet bol mladý. Kedy a kde. Prečo nemôžeš správať. Víťazi. Zabaliť vaše ťažkosti v snoch. A Dream vaše ťažkosti preč. Ak ste však Dream. Áno, skutočne. You And Me. Chceli sme, aby to všetko. Môžete priniesol nový druh lásky ku mne. Môžete Make Me Feel So Young. Tie by tak pekné vrátiť sa domov k. Už nikdy nebudete vedieť. Tie zbláznim. Čo som urobil,. Si senzačný. Niekde na ceste. Niekde vo svojom srdci. Blues In The Night. Fools Rush V. Kam sa aj anjeli boja vstúpiť. Nestojím A duch Možnosť With You. Nemôžem Začíname. Viac. My sa pozrieme na srdce. Je to Wonderful World. Loving You Wonderful. Je to Lonesome Old Town. Ak nie ste v blízkosti. Nancy With The Laughing Face.
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