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Starscapes. Brian Balmages. Grade 2.Preklad
Starscapes. Brian Balmages. Stupeň 2.Originál
Starscapes composed by Brian Balmages. For concert band. Concert Band. FJH Young Band. Starscapes is a three-movement work based on various constellations and their Greek mythologies. Grade 2. Score and set of parts. Duration 4 minutes, 45 seconds. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.B1333. Orion. The Hunter. , the opening movement, is one of the most well-known constellations, visible in the northern sky during the winter in the northern hemisphere. While there are several versions of the Orion myth, typically it is agreed that he became the greatest hunter in the world and had incredible strength and stature. While no consensus exists on the means of his death, it is often suggested that he was killed by the sting of a small scorpion - an ironic death for such a champion. The movement opens with an introduction that paints a picture of a starry night, then portrays the majestic nature of Orion. The second movement, Draco. The Dragon. , depicts the most common myth that Draco inhabited a cave and killed Cadmus's attendants after they were asked to find fresh water as an offering to Jupiter. Cadmus went into the cave, discovered the dragon, and killed it with his spear. While there are many translations of Ovid's Metamorphoses, a particularly vivid one describes Draco as "the serpent of Mars, a creature with a wonderful golden crest. fire flashed from its eyes, its body was all puffed up from poison, and from its mouth, set with a triple row of teeth, flickered a three-forked tongue. " The final movement, Pegasus. The Winged Horse. , pays tribute to the constellation and famous myth of Pegasus. Pegasus was born as a result of the battle between Perseus and Medusa. After Perseus killed Medusa, drops of blood fell into the sea and mixed with the sea foam. The result was the birth of Pegasus, the brilliant white-winged horse. The movement portrays the galloping of the horse, then takes the listener on a journey through the skies with the magnificent creature. Appropriate for middle school and smaller high school groups. Second clarinets usually stay below the break. Parts are written with more independence, and instrumentation increases slightly. There is still adequate doubling in the lower voices. Grades 2 - 2.5.Preklad
Starscapes zložené Brian Balmages. Pre koncertné kapelu. Koncert kapely. FJH mladá kapela. Starscapes je tri hnutia dielo založené na rôznych súhvezdí a ich gréckej mytológie. Stupeň 2. Skóre a sada dielov. Doba trvania 4 minút, 45 sekúnd. Vydala The FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.B1333. Orion. Hunter. , Otváracie pohyb, je jedným z najznámejších konštelácie, viditeľné na severnej oblohe v zimnom období na severnej pologuli. Kým tam je niekoľko verzií Orion mýtu, typicky je dohodnuté, že sa stal najväčšou lovec na svete a mal neuveriteľnú silu a postavy. Aj keď žiadny konsenzus existuje na prostriedkoch jeho smrti, sa často uvádza, že bol zabitý bodnutie malého škorpióna - ironický smrť takého šampióna. Pohyb začína úvodom, ktorý maľuje obraz hviezdnej noci, potom vykresľuje majestátne povahu Orion. Druhá veta, Draco. Dragon. , Líči najčastejší mýtus, že Draco obývali jaskyňu a zabil Kadmos je prítomné potom, čo boli požiadaní, aby si čerstvej vody ako obeť k Jupiteru. Cadmus šiel do jaskyne, objavil drak, a zabil ho kopijou. Aj keď existuje mnoho preklady Ovidiových Premien, zvlášť živý človek opisuje Draca ako "had Marsu, stvorenie s nádherným Zlatý erb. oheň blysol z jeho očí, jeho telo bolo všetko pyšný z jedu, a z jeho úst, set s trojitou radom zubov, blikali tri rozoklaný jazyk. "Posledná veta, Pegasus. Winged Horse. , Vzdáva hold súhvezdia a slávny mýtus Pegasus. Pegasus sa narodila ako výsledok bitky medzi Perseus a Medusa. Potom, čo Perseus zabil Medusa, kvapky krvi spadol do mora a mieša s morskej peny. Výsledkom bolo narodenie Pegasus, žiarivo biely, okrídlený kôň. Hnutie vykresľuje cválání koňa, a potom vezme poslucháčov na cestu po oblohe s nádherným tvorom. Vhodné pre stredné školy a menšie vysoké školy skupín. Druhé klarinety zvyčajne zostávajú pod prestávke. Diely sú písané s väčšiu nezávislosť, a zvyšuje prístrojové mierne. Tam je ešte adekvátne zdvojenie v nižších hlasov. Stupňa 2-2,5.Obľúbené žiadosti
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